le kleitoris ballet

Originally inspired by Sartre’s adaptation of Euripides’ Trojan Women, we began to explore and debate feminine issues and gender inequalities – harassment, abuse, beauty standards, pay gap, genital mutilation… Trojan Women screamed, “injustice”, “invasion”, “violence”, “control”, “appropriation”, “rape”, “slavery”: women, ostensibly victims of their own bodies, born in a world where penis is law. We asked, “What if…?”
The evocation of many Greek plays and myths – Trojan Women, Lysistrata, The Bacchea, Pandora’s Box – and our reactions to contemporary cultural degradation came together and captivated us. We set out to create a show that encompassed our questions and assumptions. To cultivate an utterance of hope in response to all the “pussy grabbing” Trumps, Weinsteins, Temers, Berlusconis, those who abuse the power they possess. We examined different forms of expression, looking at avenues of creative inspiration to confront these injustices and timeless human degradation. What if WE react differently? How?
At École Philippe Gaulier, with Greek tragedy, vaudeville, and red nose clowning behind us, in the throes of the Buffon workshop our ‘What If” found its voice. The Buffons – society’s outcasts – experience deep suffering and pain in the depths of human misery. They find freedom through comedy, parody, and truth. They laugh! Their audience laughs too. Serendipitously, in the midst of this epiphany, we came upon the ancient Greek word for Clitoris, “Kleis”: “THE KEY”! Through comedy, pleasure, laughter, and joy, costumed as the Clitoris, dancing, our “form” was unlocked.
As Cassandra displayed the brutal strength to not submit, but to laugh and dance in the face of horror – movement, humor, and pleasure, sans guilt, shame, or fear, became our “kleis” to insubordination. As modern day Buffon, we claim the lasting pleasure of seriously not being serious. We join the swelling current of rising voices. A cri du coeur and a cackle in the face of the grotesque. This is a unique moment of resistance: The Kleitoris Ballet is a groan of pleasure and a giggle of freedom.